Reading 6 - The Call of Cthulhu (Copy)

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Slide greasily into Halloween with our all-new, feature-length reading of Lovecraft's masterpiece, The Call of Cthulhu, starring the incomparable Andrew Leman!

Featuring music written and performed by Reber Clark! Most selections are available for purchase here on the Lovecraft Paragraphs and At the Mountains of Madness soundtracks.

Reading recorded at Rocketwerks in Santa Monica, CA. Music and production by Chad Fifer.

Thanks to everybody who contributed to make this production possible! Please continue to support us by asking your local comic book shops, game stores and creepy destinations of all kinds to throw this baby on in celebration of the holiday.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! We'll be back next time with Through the Gates of the Silver Key.


Episode 95 – Through the Gates of the Silver Key


Episode 94 - The Horror in the Museum